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Rainbow Pistol Nerf For Sale

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by erfunonbe1970 2020. 1. 24. 15:52


Rainbow Pistol Nerf For Sale
  1. Nerf Guns
  2. Rainbow Pistol Nerf For Sale Walmart

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Condition is Used. Cant fit all guns in one pick all shown and listed 1. Nerf strike force elite with clip auto fire. N srtrike target 3. Dual strike with bullet size switch flip 4.

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Rainbow Pistol Nerf For Sale

I 100% want that Prism kit to go on it as well. Although, the only place I found that sells Rainbow Pistols is Sun's Guns, but what the 'Pistol' and 'With Barrel' options mean seems kinda nebulous, so I'm skeptical of buying from there, and there's also the fact that the Prism kit takes 1 inch PVC, doesn't seem to be an option. On top of all this, I know nothing about the anatomy of a rainbow pistol and how to make one; If you have any knowledge of Rainbow Pistols, please lay all of it down, from the basics to the most minute details, likewise for the Prism kit. Thanks to everyone, you all are a great help!Edit: A slide brass/CPVC/PETG breech would be absolutely amazing, but if the Prism kit requires anything else, then so be it. That rainbow pistol is built around 1-1/4' PVC.


Nerf Guns

Pretty much every Rainbow pistol I've seen online is 1-1/4' PVC.Sorry this is causing you some headache but I think you're going to either need to build the rainbow pistol yourself or commission someone to get one in a 1'PVC tube.edit:The tools required for the MK-11Durendal are pretty similar to the Prism kit. A hacksaw, drill(with appropriate bits) and maybe some files/sandpaper are really all you need to build either one. The 3D printed parts remove the need to hand make the more fiddly bits of the build. The 'good' answer is: Print them out, play around with the parts, and you'll understand. If you don't, then you probably won't be able to build it without instructions anyway.However, some of the questions honestly don't have really well documented answers so I'll kiiinda try to explain how they work.I have not built a Prism kit but my guesses on function are:.Dart storage = literally just dart storage.

A tray that holds darts.Everything is attached to the plunger tube via screws. Honestly not sure which screws and where, but the general idea is to drill + countersink a hole for the screw. It seems like most of these screws are going directly into plastic. I prefer Meaker's method of doing it with the Durendal Mk-11 where the screws attach to a nut that's in the handle, sandwiching the plunger tube in place.The Rainbow catch is a piece of plastic with a hole in it that locks a notched plunger rod. Basically the Kronos catch/Nitefinder catch. In this case it seems to be a square aluminum bar, which is probably the best option as far as reliability goes Cutting a notch in a round bar also works.Barrel: Frontload, rearload, either way the air exits at the front of the blaster and you slap a barrel in front so it fires stuff.

Look up RSCB / inline clip / hoppers for ways you can load multiple darts and fire them without manually feeding a dart into the barrel every time. Sun's Guns are expensive and a little crude but they have amazing potential. My pistols are averaging over 250fps. I replaced the main springs with an 8kg OMW Longshot spring for a dramatic improvement in ease of priming and performance.

Rainbow Pistol Nerf For Sale Walmart

The installed weak trigger spring is certain to fail and will require replacement with a Longshot catch spring (or equivalent). This will also improve the faulty, wobbly trigger action. My improved Rainbow blasters require a functional muzzle brake to prevent fishtailing.

I've had good results with simple T-brakes (telescoping muzzle brake). The Sun Gun magazine works okay but a big improvement is to replace the T-fitting with a Wye and an insert (20fps) The sliding breech also works well but the action can be improved by a long sliding sleeve attached to the front barrel. Radical porting of the appropriate joints added another 20fps. An additional manufacturing improvement would be to port the plunger stop but it's not accessible for modification because it's permanently installed. These blasters generally require a lot of sanding to remove internal obstructions caused by poor assembly or too much glue. Still, they are worth every penny and I use my Sungun Rainbow pistol blasters almost every day.


They are very accurate. I've also discovered that little girl's pony tail clips make fine sights and they're easily attached to the front barrel. I've been daydreaming about ordering a full-sized Rainbow from Derrick but first I need to figure out what the best spring will be (possibly a cut-down Caliburn spring from Foam Freaks).

Rainbow Pistol Nerf For Sale